“We shall all consider ourselves unauthorized to saddle posterity with our debts, and morally bound to pay them ourselves.”

— Thomas Jefferson

Thanks to President Trump & Elon Musk,

attention has finally returned to the serious threat the

U.S. debt poses to our nation’s future.

With a massive debt-to-income ratio of 7 to 1, and a yearly $1 trillion-plus interest payment that must be financed, we’re effectively bankrupt already. And while we might dodge disaster a little longer by borrowing $2 trillion more annually, we are further imperiling our nation with an economy-killing default (on our interest payments) each year we persist in this extreme financial risk-taking. Therefore, the time for permanent constitutional reform via a Balanced Budget Amendment has come.

It will be hard for Congress to deliver.

The DOGE goal of $2 trillion in cuts (more than 25% of the federal budget) will face great obstacles in Congress because this would require deep reductions to Defense, Social Security and Medicare. Unlike any other duo in America, President Trump and Elon Musk are capable of forcing hundreds of billions in cuts. However, $2 trillion in cuts will be difficult because of the powerful special interests that will oppose them (Seniors, Defense Industry, etc.). Furthermore, Social Security and Medicare are protected by law.

The STATES can deliver $2 trillion in cuts.

They can do so by orchestrating the adoption of a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) using their power under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Here’s how:

  • Two-thirds of the state legislatures (34/50) must call for a convention to draft and propose a BBA, and three-quarters of the states (38/50) must ratify it.

Fortunately, we already have 27 of the 34 states required to call a convention to propose a BBA (see map).

  • However, we do NOT want a convention.  We want to use the threat of a convention, achieved at 33 states, to force Congress to propose a BBA.

This Strategy Has Historic Precedent

The threat of a convention is what forced Congress to propose the 17th Amendment. Accordingly, when we reach 33 states, Congress is highly likely to propose a BBA. The driving force will be its desire to control drafting of the amendment (the fiscal rules it must budget by forever).

Advancing to 33 States & Ratification

  • We will push from 27 – 32 with campaigns in eight states (CO, ID, KY, ME, MN, MT, NV & VA) to ensure passage in a minimum of five.
  • That’s when we will gather a bipartisan group of budget experts (academics, politicians & business leaders) to draft a bipartisan BBA which can achieve ratification in at least three-quarters of the states (38/50).
  • We will push to 33 states and then STOP to present Congress with the chance to propose the bipartisan BBA in order to avert a convention.
  • Once proposed, the BBA will be ratified by 29 GOP states in a year. The final 3 split states, & 6 Democrat states could take another year.

The Greatest ROI in World History

While both parties expend massive amounts to win control of Congress and the power to legislate, when Congress itself becomes the problem, it must be fixed by funding the appropriate constitutional reform campaign.

  • We spent $12.5 billion in 2020, 2022 & 2024 to elect the 100-member U.S. Senate (which is presently pushing us towards bankruptcy).
  • With just .2% ($25 million) of that $12.5 billion, we could reform the very constitutional rules by which the U.S. Senate budgets (to prevent bankruptcy).

Spending $25 million to preserve a $29.3 trillion economy constitutes the greatest ROI in world history: 1,172,0000 to 1.